Uganda Adventure Tours - Mountain Climbing, Whitewater Rafting, Gorilla Trekking

The Top 6 Most Adventurous Uganda tour packages with thrilling experiences including Whitewater rafting on the Nile, Rwenzori mountain climbing, Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi, Volcano Hiking - climbing Sabinyo, Muhavura, Mgahinga among others. Here are the most affordable Uganda Adventure trips with gorilla trekking combinations. Our safaris are tailored to your budget, schedule and style of travel. Here you will find you memorable Uganda Adventure safari.

Whitewater rafting gorilla trek tour Uganda Gorillas and Wildlife Safaris

Uganda Gorilla Trekking Whitewater Rafting & Hiking Tour – 6 Days

Sabyinyo Volcano, Uganda

Uganda Gorilla Trek, Sabyinyo Volcano Hike, Canoe Trekking – 5 Days

Whitewater rafting gorilla trek tour Uganda Gorillas and Wildlife Safaris

Uganda Gorillas & Whitewater Rafting Nile Tour – 4 Days

Sabyinyo Volcano, Uganda

Uganda Gorilla Trekking Sabyinyo Volcano Hike – 4 Days

Uganda Lake Bunyonyi gorilla trek Bwindi Canoeing tour Gorillas and wildlife safaris

Uganda Gorilla Tracking & Lake Bunyonyi canoe Trekking – 4 Days

The source of the Nile is one of the most spectacular white-water rafting destinations in the world and for many visitors to Uganda a rafting trip is the highlight of their visit. Here you can expect long, rollicking strings of Grade 5 and Grade 5 rapids, with plenty of thrills and spills. Despite the intensity of some rapids, most people who venture here are first-time rafters; it's the perfect opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and try something different.

The Rafting companies will shuttle you out from Kampala for free, picking up punters from popular hostels and hotels, and returning in the evening if you just want to make it a day trip. If you want to stick around, they'll give you a free night's accommodation in a dormitory. All offer pick-ups from hotels in Jinja.

The white water rafting is done in paddle‐rafts, each person joins as a member of a team and a professional guide captains the team. Paddlers are instructed comprehensively on how best to enjoy themselves on the water and on all aspects of safety including the use of safety kayaks which accompany every raft trip on the water. The highly-trained safety kayakers are world-class paddlers who adeptly pilot their kayaks through the rapid ahead of the raft. When the rafts flip upside down or people are washed overboard they are nearby to provide assistance in getting people back to their boats.

The trip on the water begins slowly and the first few kilometres give the raft guides an opportunity to train their crews fully on all aspects of Nile rafting. The river becomes much more adventurous at Bujagali Falls and one major rapid follows swiftly after another for most of the morning. Once the rafts enter Wildwaters Reserve (protects the unique flora and fauna of the mid‐stream islands of the Nile), there is more time between the rough water but the rapids become larger and more spectacular. At Itanda (The Bad Place) the Nile is too powerful for the rafts and so the rafts are taken around the top by land.

The grading of the rapids rafted on this stretch of the Nile range from 1 – 5. At each of the larger (higher graded) rapids you are given the option of whether you want to go the hard way (through the middle) or the easy way (around the edge). The choice is voted on, however, it might not always turn out the way you expected because you (everyone in the raft) if do not paddle in the right direction you may not take the route you wanted.

The family rafting trip is a wonderful river journey for the whole family. Instead of choosing the biggest and wildest rapids, these rafts instead drift swiftly between the beautiful forested islands, bounce down smaller rapids and explore the many different channels of the river.

The night is spent on the ‘Hairy Lemon’ a beautiful secluded island right on Nile. The next morning the adults have a chance to river surf at ‘Nile Special’ the infamous surf wave found near to the Hairy Lemon. The lightweight boogie boards will allow provide an incredible thrill on the waves of the Nile.

Besides the standard big water runs, there's also less-extreme options for those who don't want to be flung into the raging water. Family float trips are offered, which bypass the big waves and are guaranteed to garner squeals of delight from young kids. A full-day family float with Nile River Explorers and Nalubale Rafting costs US$40 per person.

All the companies take on the Big Four – monster Grade V rapids, including Itanda (The Bad Place) – but there is always a safety boat on hand if you decide the rapids are just too big for you. They each also include a host of incentives to lure you over, including meals and beers.

Uganda River Nile Whitewater Rafting Options

There is a variety of options available depending on the client’s requirements and needs:

  • Half Day White Water Rafting
  • Full Day White Water Rafting
  • 2 Day White Water Rafting
  • Family Rafting
  • Bungee Jumping and White Water Rafting

Uganda Mountain Climbing & Hiking Tours

Mountain climbing destinations in East Africa
Mountain climbing is one of the few things that people who are adrenaline hungry go for and what better way to do than grabbing a bag and traveling to East Africa to enjoy the exercise.

Uganda has a lot to offer when it comes to mountain climbing and hiking and one should no miss the opportunity. You get to go to the Mountains of the moon and experience the snow caped john Speke peak on Rwenzori,  the Elgon Mountain and her slopes and many ore other countries.
Gorillas and Wildlife Safaris can help you when it comes to organizing a mountain trek in Uganda and these have different charges that normally depend on the time that you want to take on the trekking trip. You will be accompanied by a guide who knows the best routes that lead to the summit of the different Mountains.

Climbing Rwenzori Mountains National Park Uganda

Mountain Rwenzori also commonly referred to as the “Mountains of the Moon” is situated in western Uganda close to Uganda’s border with Congo. Its snow-covered peak is the third highest peak on the African continent, while its lower slopes are; blanketed by a flourishing bamboo, damp montane forest and moorland. Huge tree heathers plus vibrant mosses cover the sides of this mountain while the large lobelias plus the everlasting flowers, forming an amiable vista.
Rwenzori Mountains National Park hosts the highest areas of the 120 km long, 65 km wide Mountain Rwenzori ranges. The national park is habitat t approximately 70 different mammal species and close to 220 bird species among which are 19 Albertine Rift endemics, in addition to a range of rare vegetation cover.
Mountain Rwenzori is an international first-class challenging mountaineering Uganda tour destination; whose summit – the Margherita Peak which is the highest on the mountain can be conquered in 9 to 12 days by well-trained climbers. Non-skilled climbers are offered less challenging routes which will as well offer them the opportunity to explore the places close to the peaks.
People who would rather participate in a less challenging activity can enjoy nature walks in the nearby  Bakonzo villages offering nature walks to visit a number of homesteads, enjoy traditional cultural performances by the local people and above all get an opportunity to enjoy some of the delicious meals locally prepared by here.
The beautiful Equatorial snow summits
The high Mountain Rwenzori comprises of six different mountains. Although it is located only a couple of miles north of the equator crossing, Mount Stanley is the highest of all standing at a height of 5,109 meters, Baker standing at a height of 4843 meters and then Speke towering at 4890 meters and fascinating about these is the fact that each f these peaks is entirely covered by non-seasonal glaciers. These peaks can be reached by hiking the Central Circuit trail or the Kilembe Trail.

Wildlife in Rwenzori Mountains National Park
Rwenzori Mountains National Park is home to about 70 various mammal species, including six Albertine Rift endemics, 4 of which are endemic to this park only plus three other rare in addition to 3 rare species. Other mammals living within this park are: the Rwenzori otters, chimpanzees, elephants and leopards. Despite the fact that wild animals are not commonly seen inside the dense forests of this park, be on the watch for different primates such as the black and white colobus monkeys, the blue monkeys and the Angola colobus, in addition to small antelopes like bushbucks is not easily seen within the thick forest, always be on the watch for the various primates like the Angola colobus, as well as uncommon reptile species including the 3 horned chameleon  plus the black & white colobus in addition to the blue monkeys.

Vegetation in Rwenzori Mountains National Park
Besides it uncommon flora species, this national park is best recognized for its unique vegetation. As you make your way to its peaks, you will move through a stunning progression of varied altitudinal vegetation covers including; the tree heathers, bamboo, montane forest and the afro-alpine. The beautiful afro-alpine zone with its symbolic giant groundsel and lobelia, is one the most rare botanical species only found in the high mountainous areas at altitudes 3800 meters

Birds in Rwenzori Mountains National Park
The park is host to 217 bird species some of which are Albertine Rift endemics.  17 of these are endemic to Rwenzori National park, therefore, rendering this park a significant International Birding Area. at an altitude of 1800 meters the forest zone is habitat to a profusion of birds among including the Lagden’s Bush Shrike, Crimsonwings, numerous Barbets, Rwenzori Turaco, Rwenzori Batis, Flycatchers, Slender-billed Starling, Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo, White-starred Robin, Iladopsis, Montane Sooty Boubou, Long-eared Owl, Blue-headed Sunbird, Apalises, Archers’ Robin-chat, Handsome Francolin, Golden-winged Sunbird, Greenbuls, Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater, and a profusion Strange Weavers.

Mountain Climbing on the Elgon

Mountain Elgon is located in the Eastern Part of Uganda and it’s one of the few extinct volcanoes in the country and it rises up to a height of 4321 meters above sea level. Mountain Elgon was considered as the highest in Africa but the constant erosions have led to its reduction in height. You can join the mountain climbing on the Elgon Mountain with the hike up the Sipi falls since they are located in the same area. The best time to do a mountain climbing on the Elgon Mountain is during the dry season as this will ease the climb unlike during the wet season where the trails will be slippery.

The Sipi Falls

The Sipi Falls is a set of three waterfalls (85m, 75m and 100m) situated along the foothills of Mountain Elgon. They arguably are the most beautiful waterfalls in Uganda and have become one of the iconic attractions of the eastern region. Sipi, easily accessible from Kampala, has become very popular for day hikes. The trek to visit all the three waterfalls covers a trail of about 7km and on average takes up to 3 hours to complete.

Virunga Volcanoes

Uganda shares 3 of the main 8 Virunga mountain volcanoes. The 3 are located in southwestern Uganda along the border with Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. They offer excellent day hikes filled with some of the best views in Africa. The Virungas harbor lots of unique and rare wildlife which you have chance of encountering such as the Mountain Gorillas, Golden Monkeys, e

Muhabura (4127m):

It starts the chain of the Virungas, situated on the Rwanda – Uganda border. It is longer hike to the summit taking about 5 hours which makes it tough, and coming down takes roughly the same. It has a small crater lake at the summit which can easily circumnavigated to get access to views across the Virunga ranges.

Mgahinga (3474m)

This is a much smaller mountain of the three, situated between Muhavura and Sabinyo, but closer to former. It is a short and easier hike. It is bigger crater lake at the summit which isn’t so easy to circumnavigate to gain better views.

Sabinyo (3645m)

The Sabyinyo volcano hiking adventure takes place in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. Mount Sabyinyo is one of the eight volcanoes that comprise the Virunga ranges of East and Central Africa. Mount Sabyinyo hike is one of the highly-rated tourist activities after mountain gorilla tracking. The other two volcanoes on the Uganda side of the Vriunga massif are Mount Muhabura and Mount Gahinga.

Standing at 3645m, Mount Sabinyo offers one of the best mountain hiking and climbing experiences in Uganda safari.  Sabyinyo Volcano is 14 Km meters away from Kisoro Town and is the hardest Volcano to hike found in Mgahinga park Uganda and  is the only Volcano where one can access three countries at the same time in the Virunga Massive.

At the peak of Sabyinyo Mountain, one stands in 3 countries of Uganda, Rwanda and DR Congo at the same time. It is located in Mgahinga National Park majorly known for Gorilla Trekking Experience and the climbing point of mt. Sabyinyo is in Mgahinga National park.

While the other volcanoes like Karisimbi, Bisoke, Mikeno either lie in one of the countries or are shared between two countries, Mt. Sabinyo lies at the meeting point of the all the three borders. It is more like the axis of the Virunga range and offers the best views across the Virungas, you could call it a 360 degree experience!

At the peak during Mount Sabinyo Volcano Hike, the hiker is rewarded with stunning, magnificent views and at this point he or she is in the three countries of Uganda, Rwanda & DR Congo at the same time.

What to see during Mount Sabinyo Volcano Hike

Mt. Sabinyo Trekking Tour is an habitat for the Golden Monkeys which you are chanced at seeing on the way during the Climbing exercise.

Other big wildlife to see on Mount Sabyinyo a Volcano Hike include; Buffaloes, Elephants and Gorillas but are rarely seen on the trail.

Between 2800 – 3200m is a beautiful forest patch of Hagenia Hypericum, over 3200 is that Sub-alpine zone that has fewer trees. This is also the territory of the famous Rwenzori Turaco, a stunning bird which is also endemic to the Albertine rift region.

At the summit you hike to each of the three summits and get the chance to be at the meeting point of all the countries, and enjoy the best views of all!