East Africa Safaris | Combined Gorillas & Wildlife tours to Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Congo

Combined tours and wildlife safaris for East Africa including gorillas and Serengeti, gorillas and migration safaris, gorillas and Zanzibar, Uganda and Rwanda gorilla tours, Uganda and Congo tours, Uganda and Kenya safaris, gorillas and Maasai Mara, Uganda Rwanda and Congo, gorillas and Victoria falls, Gorillas and Tsavo safaris among other East Africa holiday combinations.

Bwindi Gorila trek safari rwanda Uganda chimps

Uganda Rwanda Safari Gorilla Chimp Trekking BIG 5 Wildlife Culture – 18 Days

Elephant herd, Akagera National Park, Rwanda

Rwanda & Uganda Safari – 14 Days

Elephant and calf crossing the road, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda

All Inclusive Rwanda & Uganda Primate & Wildlife Safari – 12 Days

Uganda Rwanda safari tour Leopard, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda

Uganda Rwanda Safari Gorillas, Primate, BIG5- 11 Days

elephants in Queen Elizabeth National Park - All Inclusive Uganda Rwanda Safari

All Inclusive Uganda Rwanda Safari – 11 Days

Lake Mburo Zebras as seen on the 10 Days Uganda and Rwanda Safari -  Gorillas, More Primates and Wildlife Experiences

Uganda Rwanda Safari – GORILLAS, PRIMATES & WILDLIFE 10 Days


Rwanda Culture, Uganda Gorilla, Chimps & Wildlife Safari – 9 Days

Traditional Rwanda cultural dance - Rwanda Culture Uganda Gorilla Trek Wildlife Safari - 7 Days

Rwanda Culture Uganda Gorilla Trekking & Wildlife Safari – 7 Days

A Chimpanzee in Kibale on the rwanda uganda gorilla chimpanzee trek

Rwanda Uganda Gorilla Chimpanzee Trek Tour Primates Safari – 7 Days

Elephant and calf crossing the road, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda

Rwanda Gorilla Trekking & Uganda Wildlife Chimp Trek – 7 Days

5-day Rwanda Uganda Gorillas Wildlife Safari to Akagera, Bwindi, and Volcanoes NP with gorilla trekking, golden monkeys, and BIG 5 wildlife.

Rwanda Uganda Gorillas Wildlife Safari – 6 Days

All Uganda gorilla safaris, Uganda tours, gorilla trekking tours, primate wildlife safaris, gorilla habituation safaris, uganda gorilla trekking in Africa

Uganda- Rwanda Gorilla Trekking, Canoeing Tour – 5 Days

Mountain gorilla, Rwanda

Rwanda Gorilla Trek & Uganda Queen Elizabeth National Park Safari – 5 Days

Bwindi Gorila trek safari rwanda Uganda chimps

Uganda & Rwanda Gorilla Trekking | Chimps tracking Safari – 5 Days

ombined rwanda uganda gorilla trek tourGolden monkey, Rwanda

Uganda Gorilla Trek Rwanda Golden Monkeys – 5 Days

Bwindi Gorillas on the Rwanda Uganda Gorilla Trekking Safari

Rwanda Uganda Gorilla Trekking Safari – 4 Days

Serengeti tree climbing lions

Serengeti Ngorongoro Tarangire with Uganda Gorillas Golden Monkey Trek Safari – 8 Days

The carefully crafted 11-day All-Inclusive Rwanda Uganda Primates Wildlife Safari - lets you track gorillas, chimps, monkeys, and wildlife.

All Inclusive Rwanda Uganda Primates Wildlife Safari – 11 Days

Lake Manyara, Serengeti Wildlife and Gorillas Trek - Tanzania Uganda Gorillas, BIG 5 Wildlife in Serengeti , Manyara-  10 Days Safari gorillas wildlife

Manyara Serengeti Gorilla Chimp Trek- Uganda-Tanzania Safari-  10 Days

Safari Serengeti and gorilla trekking Uganda. Safari to Tanzania and Uganda gorillas

Serengeti and Gorillas Trek – Uganda Gorillas, BIG 5 Wildlife in Serengeti – 7 Days Safari

Gorilla, Bwindi, Uganda

Rwanda & Uganda Gorilla Trekking Safari – 5 Days

ombined rwanda uganda gorilla trek tourGolden monkey, Rwanda

Uganda Rwanda Gorilla Trek & Golden Monkeys – 5 Days


Be it luxury, midrange or lower budget, you are guaranteed to make a saving as you get an honestly calculated excellent safari experience offer from us.With our highly skilled safari  / holiday experience designers we ensure everyone contacting us gets an exciting time with us right from 1st contact, through the safari package designing and while enjoying the safari experience.

Uganda’s extensive savannah landscapes including Queen Elizabeth National Park, Kidepo Valley, Murchison and Lake Mburo National Park shelter a myriad of wild game including the Big five with the tree climbing lions of Ishasha and southern white Rhinos in Ziwa Sanctuary, counts of African savannah and forest elephants, Cape Buffaloes along with other wildlife like the Rothschild Giraffes, Impala, Uganda Kobs, Elands, Jackson’s Hartebeest, Cheetah, the Aardwolf, Jackal species among others that combine to offer a very rewarding wildlife safari extension on Uganda Rwanda and Congo Tours.

The Uganda, Rwanda and Congo safaris are popularly taken up by travellers interested in viewing chimpanzees, wildgame and mountain gorillas in Uganda and another mountain gorilla trekking in Rwanda and eventually Nyiragongo Volcano Climbing in Democratic Republic of Congo.

We have packaged these Uganda and Rwanda gorilla tours  combining gorilla trekking in Uganda and Rwanda, primates, and wildlife safaris to deliver you the most out of your holiday. You can opt for two or more gorilla treks, a gorilla trek and other primates or wildlife, visit a tribe closer to the parks among other tour packages. Some tours can start in Uganda and end in Rwanda or the other way round.

Remarkable Rwanda - famous for the silverback mountain gorillas that have captured the world’s imagination since Dian Fossey came to study the mountain gorilla families in the 1970s.

But that’s not all this beautiful country has to offer. Rwanda is a largely undiscovered Eden, she promises unrivalled biodiversity, dramatic mountains and volcanos, some of the oldest and most precious rainforests on earth, a glittering skein of lakes, rivers and waterfalls and three stunning national parks. As to wildlife, Rwanda boats of 13 species of primates (25% of Africa’s total), and a remarkable 670 species of birds, many of which are globally endangered.

At Gorillas and Wildlife Safaris we can guide you through the best safari destinations in Rwanda on our Rwanda safaris. Our tours in Rwanda are packaged in a form of gorilla trekking safaris, mountain gorilla safari packages, tracking primates, chimpanzee tours in Nyungwe Forest, and game safaris to Akagera National Park. We book gorilla trek safari permits for tourists and international tour agents wishing to take safaris in Rwanda.

We do arrange cultural tours and safaris in Rwanda. Our tour guides know well all the sites of tourism interest in Rwanda including the Rwanda Genocide Museum, Dian Fossey’s grave, community village tours, Rwanda Museum, city tours etc.

Other Uganda and Rwanda Safari Combinations

Primates of Uganda & Rwanda Safari - 12 Days

African Jungles of Uganda and Rwanda Safari – 13 Days

Gorillas & Wildlife Safari (Uganda & Rwanda) – 7 Days

The Great Uganda & Rwanda Safari (From Ebb to Kigali) – 13 Days

Exclusive African Primates Tracking Tour Uganda Rwanda – 11 Days

Tracking Gorillas in Rwanda & Uganda – 5 Days

Comprehensive Uganda and Rwanda Tour – 19 Days

Fabulous Uganda and Rwanda Safari – 10 Days

Tracking Gorillas in Rwanda and Uganda – 4 Days

Rwanda and Uganda safari Wildlife, Gorillas & Chimps – 9 Days

 Uganda and Rwanda Wildlife Adventure - 10 Days

Rwanda Uganda Gorilla Safari – 5 Days


One of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa, Tanzania is well-established as one of the best wildlife-viewing destinations in the world. Safaris follow the trail of giant herds of antelope or wildebeest across the Serengeti, while lions lounge in the shade waiting for their next meal to trot by. On the horizon looms the conical silhouette of Kilimanjaro, beckoning the strong of lung and leg, and just off the coast the beaches and Arabian-infused culture of Zanzibar offer travelers a very different Africa.

Tawny lion lounge on the veldt and giraffe browse acacia trees. Millions-strong herds of wildebeest pour along the plains. Tanzania is home to some of Africa’s largest game reserves and parks, and it can be hard to decide what to see on holiday. Our specialists have visited the country extensively and can design your Tanzania safari to avoid the crowds and find the best places to see wildlife.

Leave your vehicle behind to walk and camp in the hidden corners of Ngorongoro Conservation Area and the Serengeti National Park, which host the annual Great Migration. In the south, the Selous Game Reserve and Ruaha National Park provide a more remote safari experience, while chimpanzees can be seen swinging through the trees on west-lying Lake Tanganyika’s shores. After your time on safari, relax on Zanzibar’s powder-sand beaches or take a dhow trip out on the turquoise waters.

All About Tanzania Safaris - A guide to Northern Tanzania Safaris

 Northern Tanzania is expensive (comparatively to the south) but offers unrivaled wildlife viewing and is completely iconic. Most itineraries begin with an overnight in Arusha before heading off on your safari adventure. Starting in the very north, The Serengeti (which borders the Masai Mara in Kenya) is undeniably world-class and home to The Great Wildebeest Migration as well as the biggest concentration of predators on the planet. The Ngorongoro Crater has a huge amount of the big 5 in a unique and dramatic setting. Surrounding the crater, the Ngorongoro Highlands is home to colourful Masai culture and rolling coffee farms. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area spans to the border of the Serengeti and is fantastic in February time when the Wildebeest Migration is calving. Tarangire National Park is also another option in the north with night drives, fantastic views and a colossal number of elephants. Although Tarangire is a fantastic park, it is more of an "add-on" to the main northern circuit of the crater and Serengeti. Lake Manyara is another smaller park with flamingos, fantastic land-birdlife and some truly beautiful spots for safari. However, Lake Manyara is small and can be seen in an afternoon rather than as the main focus of a trip.

Why go for Northern Tanzania safari tour?

 If you want to see the stars of Tanzania and all the wildlife in the world in the Ngorongoro Crater and the Serengeti, are interested in East Africa's Maasai culture and if you have a budget of at least around $4,000 per person then a North Tanzania safari will offer you a holiday of a lifetime.

A guide to South & West Tanzania

The South of Tanzania offers better value accommodation than the north, a less touristy experience but is not a classic ‘big 5 safari destination’. Starting southeast of Tanzania, the Selous Game Reserve is a huge dry season park offering boating, walking safaris and fly-camping with excellent wild dogs. Ruaha National Park is a beautiful red-earth park where you can also enjoy walking, fly-camping, super prides of lions and huge buffalo herds. Ruaha is home to 10% of the whole world’s lions, so to say the wildlife here is not as prominent as in the north could be a mistake! The west comprises of Katavi and Mahale which are expensive to get to, but because of their relative inaccessibility offer a simply magical experience alone in the wilderness, where you can trek chimps in the Mahale Mountains and see some of Tanzania’s most dramatic safari scenes in the depths of Katavi’s harsh dry season.

Why do Southern Tanzania safari tour?

If you like a more sedate and relaxing safari, a bit of boating, walking too with some rare wildlife opportunities, and if you don’t want to share your wilderness with too many other tourists, then a trip to Tanzania's wild south will be the best idea you ever have.

The best time for a safari in Tanzania

Here, there is no very straight forward answer...! You can go at any point in the year, but for each time of year there are certain pros and cons to be considered. It is best to chat to us, and we can discuss your options. April and May is when the heavy rains hit East Africa and some camps close during this period. The main dry season is from July to October and this is the most popular time to travel to tick the big five off your list, but other times of year also have their individual benefits. Going off-peak season can reduce the cost of your trip, avoid the crowds and yet still offer a wholly phenomenal safari experience. Ask one of our Tanzania experts about the whereabouts of the Wildebeest Migration at different months in the year, or for more information explore our Migration Map.

Visiting Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo Tours

Virunga National Park is gifted with  with breathtaking sights – dense jungles, vast bubbling lava lakes, wide savannah plains and glacier-clad mountains. Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979, a visit to Virunga is an experience unlike any other. For those seeking to encounter exceptional wildlife and landscapes, Virunga offers an unparalleled experience.

In the southern sector, visitors can reach the summit of Mt. Nyiragongo, an active stratovolcano, to watch the world’s largest lava lake churn while camping on its crater’s rim. Guests looking to try their hand at mountaineering can climb the 5,109 m (16,761 ft) Rwenzori Mountains in the Park’s northern sector to explore high montane forests, before emerging to find the largest snow- capped glaciers left on the African continent.

And for a truly African experience, visitors can take a safari through the vast savanna of the central sector’s Ishasha Plains, enjoying fantastic views of big mammal wildlife including elephants, lions, hippos,

Of the few remaining places left in the world to see endangered mountain gorillas, Virunga National Park stands as the most unique. Living peacefully on the forested slopes of the Park’s volcanoes, mountain gorillas are highly intelligent, good natured, and fascinating to observe. An encounter with Virunga’s mountain gorillas is an experience that will leave you awestruck and forever changed.

The Park also offers a range of accommodations for those looking to relax and unwind amongst stunning views – including the luxurious Mikeno Lodge, the serene simplicity of Tchegera Island, and the newly built Kibumba tented camp, starting point for gorilla trekking.

The dense forests of the south, punctuated by volcanic peaks including the dormant Mikena volcano, are home to the gorilla population as well as other primates. Virunga is also the only park in the world to contain three taxa of Great Apes.

Indeed, Virunga provides one of those rare opportunities to engage in travel and tourism that are of genuine benefit to the region – that, in fact, are essential to its survival. Even now, the park is under threat from potential drilling explorations. The increased economic benefits – as well as greater international attention – that tourism brings are essential factors in ensuring that Virunga continues to be protected and conserved for future generations.

Current ongoing projects include mountain gorilla protection, halting the elephant crisis, and funding the training of anti-poacher bloodhounds (known affectionately as Congohounds).

A trip to Virunga affords the traveller the opportunity to witness some of the world’s most spectacular wildlife, in a stunning landscape seen by relatively few people.

Our East African safaris tours are basically designed to make your encounter in this region of Africa easy and memorable. East Africa is part of the African continent comprising of five sovereign countries including Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi and each of the countries mentioned has a unique selling preposition that have got the capacity to mesmerise the East Africa Safari tour undertakers.

The diverse habitats in the East African destination provides for existence of a wide range of biodiversity ranging from dense forests that shelter species like the critically endangered Mountain gorillas forming the ground for gorilla safaris in East Africa, the endangered Chimpanzees, endangered golden monkeys, Black and white colobus monkeys among others to the extensive savannah rangelands like Tanzania’s Serengeti, Kenya’s Maasai Mara and Uganda’s Kidepo, Murchison and Queen Elizabeth National Parks where the African Bigfive namely; Lions including tree climbing lions, African elephants, Black and White Rhinos, African Buffaloes and African leopard thrive along with a myriad of other wild game like millions of Wildebeest that migrate every year between Serengeti and Maasai Mara, the safaris tours in East Africa offer a rich lifetime experience.

From the glacial peaks of Kilimanjaro, Mount Kenya and Rwenzori Mountains standing as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd highest on the continent of Africa respectively to the deep gorges of the Great East African Rift Valley and from the Semi arid landscapes of Karamoja and Turkana land to the fresh waters of Lake Victoria and the vast Indian Ocean with its endless white sandy beaches, East Africa stands above the ordinary and truly depicts the image of an ideal destination for Africa safaris and holidays.

The diversity of tribal cultures ranging from those that has a lot in common to others that are completely differing; East Africa is a hub of culture and heritage tourism. The famous Maasai warriors of Kenya and Tanzania and the Batwa Pygmy hunter gather tribal culture of Uganda and Rwanda have remained of special interest to both ancient and contemporary East Africa safari travellers

Therefore, East Africa Safari Tours, present an opportunity to visit and explore in detail these popular micro destinations in their respective countries.