elephants in Queen Elizabeth National Park - All Inclusive Uganda Rwanda Safari

All Inclusive Uganda Rwanda Safari - 11 Days

Gorillas and Wildlfe Safaris Hall of Fame Trip Advisor RecommendedThe 11-day all-Inclusive Uganda Rwanda safari  allows you to visit the most diverse wildlife national parks in both countries as well as trekking chimps in Kibale NP,  gorilla trekking in both Uganda and Rwanda (two gorilla treks). Gorilla trekking in Bwindi and Volcanoes NP will certainly be major highlights on this trip.

You will be having close encounters with savannah wildlife in Murchison Falls National Park and Queen Elizabeth National Park with game viewing on the savannah plains in both parks as well get in close proximity with  elephant, lion, buffalo, hippo, and leopard.  In Ishasha go on the hunt for the tree-climbing lions lounging on old fig trees. See the rich wildlife and array of birds on the Kazinga Channel

On this all-inclusive Uganda Rwanda safari, you can also climb a volcano, go for a nature walk or visit the endangered golden monkey.

All Inclusive Uganda & Rwanda Safari (with wildlife, gorilla trekking, chimps trekking) - 11 Days

  • Day 1: Start the All-inclusive Uganda and Rwanda Safari from your hotel in Entebbe or Kampala at 08:00am, drive to Ziwa Rhinos Sanctuary and then to Murchison Falls National Park 
  • Day 2: Discovering Murchison Falls National Park with  wildlife game drives and boat trip to the bottom of the falls 
  • Day 3: Transfer to Kibale National Park, guided swamp walk in the afternoon
  • Day 4: Chimpanzee Tracking in Kibale National Park, encountering more primates' species along the trek
  • Day 5: Drive to Queen Elizabeth National Park with amazing views of the Rwenzori mountains along the way
  • Day 6: Queen Elizabeth National Park (game drives and boat safaris)
  • Day 7: Tree climbing lions, and then drive Bwindi Impenetrable Forest
  • Day 8: Gorilla trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park
  • Day 9: Transfer to Rwanda
  • Day 10: Gorilla Trekking in Volcanoes National Park
  • Day 11: Transfer to Kigali, visit sights in the city, End of the all-inclusive Uganda Rwanda safari.

Tour Plan for the 11 Day All-Inclusive Uganda and Rwanda Safari

Day 1: Murchison Falls National Park & Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary (there' flights to Murchison Falls if you prefer not to drive)

Our guide meets you from your hotel in Kampala or Entebbe at 08:00AM (or airport but arriving before 10am). If you are arriving on this day after 12pm, it might be a bit late to attempt the drive. So probably starting off on the next day would be a better option and of course we will come in handy to arrange this night.

We then head to Ziwa Rhinos Sanctuary which is about 3 hours away.  Ziwa Rhino sanctuary is the only place to trek wild Rhinos in Uganda, the other Rhinos are found at Uganda wildlife education centre (former Zoo) in Entebbe. On arrival at the sanctuary, you will be given a briefing from your ranger guide on how to behave while on this Rhino trek. It is very critical that you heed to the ranger’s instructions while on the trek because Rhinos can be aggressive if they sense a need to defend themselves. Depending on the location of the Rhinos, you may need to drive closer to their location before you start the trek to reduce on the distance. Your ranger guide will share different information on the behavior of Rhinos and how you ought to behave while as you trek.

Once you locate the rhinos, you can stay a maximum of one hour in their presence. Sometimes different families are within distance of each other, in which case you will get an opportunity to visit more than one group. You also have a chance of other animal sightings on this nature walk, they include Waterbucks, Bushbucks, Kobs, Leopard (rarely), duikers etc.

We will continue through the park stopping at the top of the falls which is a fantastic sight. Here the Nile, the longest river in the world, is forced through a narrow gap in the rock (only 7 meters wide), before ferociously plunging down 43 meters. From here we will continue onto our accommodation place along the Nile River

Murchison Falls National Park has a variety of vegetation ranging from riparian forests and swamplands to broad savannah and provides visitors the opportunity of seeing large concentrations of wildlife including lion, leopard, civet, hyena, elephant, giraffe, buffalo, hippo, crocodile, a host of smaller game, small primates and many bird species, including the rare shoebill stork. The park is especially famous for crocodiles and hippos.

Accommodation options available (all on full board basis)

Upper Luxury: Nile Safari Lodge

Luxury:   Paraa Safari Lodge

Moderate: Fort Murchison Lodge | Murchison River Lodge | Pakuba Lodge

Budget: Fort Murchison Lodge (tents) | Murchison River Lodge (tents) | Red Chilli Rest Camp

Meals included today: Lunch and dinner.

Driving time: 4.5 hrs (excluding time spent on stops, photography, etc).

Day 2: Murchison Falls National Park - Game drives, boat trip to the base of the falls

We have a quite early start today in anticipation of catching up with the BIG CATS from their night hunting. The northern sector is the center of action and your guide will be at the lodge lobby at 6 am waiting for you (could be earlier in some cases). The lodge staff will prepare a quick brunch for you and certainly pack more.  Driving through the jungle at this time of the day is one memory that sticks forever - the waking bird sounds, the crickets, sunrise on the other side, it's all just beautiful!

Our game drives could go for as long as you get tired of them, but your safari guide will outdo themselves trying to locate and tick off as many species as possible. It can be dusty (or muddy) and hot out there, but the fun, photography, and sightings are all worth it.

Expect to see lots of birdlife, lions, hyenas, giraffes, herds of elephants, buffaloes, and many more. Of late, the leopard hasn't been uncommon on our game drives.

We will drive back to the lodge for some rest and lunch before taking an afternoon boat cruise to the foot of Murchison Falls. This boat trip along the Nile is often cited as being the highlight of a trip to Murchison since it allows you to get up close and personal with the animals. Along this stretch of the river, there are reported to be around 4,000 hippos in addition to some enormous Nile crocodiles.

Accommodation options available:

Up-market:  Paraa Safari Lodge

Moderate: Fort Murchison Lodge | Murchison River Lodge | Pakuba Lodge

Budget: Fort Murchison Lodge (tents) | Murchison River Lodge (tents) | Red Chilli Rest Camp

Meals included today: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Day 3: Kibale National Park; Guided Primate Walk in Bigodi Swamp (flights can be arranged if driving is a challenge for you)

Early morning after breakfast we continue driving through the undulating highlands of southwestern Uganda on our way to the greener and beautiful Fort Portal area. The lush rolling hills of this region provide good "photo opportunities". As you approach Fort Portal in the foothills of the Rwenzori Mountains, you enter Uganda's famous tea plantation region. A carpet of green spreads before you, as far as the eye can see, and seems an unusual contrast to the countryside through which you have just passed.

In the afternoon we visit a nearby forest swamp that is excellent for viewing primates and other forest animals. At the Eastern edge of the Kibale forest is the Bigodi Wetland sanctuary which is an initiative of the local community and takes approximately two-three hours. The swamp is known for its rich diversity of birds and primates. You will expect birds like the great Blue turaco, blue monkeys, baboons, otters, mongoose, bush bucks, bush pigs and others.

Driving time: 5.5 hrs (but might be longer or shorter depending on time spent on stops along the way, road conditions, etc).

Accommodation options available:

Upscale: Kyaninga Lodge | Ndali Lodge | Crater Safari Lodge  | Luxury cottage at Primate Lodge Kibale

Midrange: Isunga Lodge| ensuite tents at Kibale Forest Camp   | ensuite cottages at Chimpanzee Forest Lodge |  ensuite rooms at Rweteera Safari Park

Low Budget: Sheltered tents at Kibale Forest Camp (with bedding and mosquito nets, shared bathroom) | Rooms in the main house at Chimpanzee Forest Lodge |  sheltered tents at Rweteera Safari Park

Meals included today: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Day 4: Chimpanzee Tracking in Kibale National Park

This morning we gather with other visitors for our chimpanzee trekking experience in Kibale National Park.  

Chimpanzees are man’s closest cousins though they are one of the most threatened primate species. More primates like black and white colobus monkeys, L’Hoest monkeys, grey-cheeked mangabey, red-tailed monkeys, bush babies, pottos, and many bird species like the yellow spotted nicator, rumped tinker bird, little greenbul, green breasted pitta, the crowned eagle, black bee-eater and mammals like elephants can be seen in this walk.

Typically, we locate the chimps by listening for their pant-hooting calls, then hustle to the area from which they are calling. We get to observe them as they feed in fruiting trees, lounge, and socialize with each other, or even, occasionally hunt.

Accommodation options available:

Upscale: Kyaninga Lodge | Ndali Lodge | Crater Safari Lodge  | Luxury cottage at Primate Lodge Kibale

Midrange: Isunga Lodge| ensuite tents at Kibale Forest Camp   | ensuite cottages at Chimpanzee Forest Lodge |  ensuite rooms at Rweteera Safari Park

Low Budget: Sheltered tents at Kibale Forest Camp (with bedding and mosquito nets, shared bathroom) | Rooms in the main house at Chimpanzee Forest Lodge |  sheltered tents at Rweteera Safari Park

Meals included today: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Day 5: Drive to Queen Elizabeth National Park & Rwenzoris

You might want to spend part of the morning relaxing at the hotel after your breakfast. Or alternatively, depart early to explore the beautiful crater lakes region.

We shall be driving to Queen  Elizabeth National Park later on. It is a beautiful route via Kasese, with the Rwenzori Mountains on your right side and the green valley on the left.

For some, it probably makes sense to have a day hike to the foothills of the Rwenzoris, one of the great mountain ranges of the world, looking out for its forbidding peaks in the distance before driving to Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Your safari guide shall do his best to show as much as possible without necessarily tiring you out but this afternoon is certainly going to be a busy one.

Accommodation options available:

Up-market/Luxury: Mweya Safari Lodge |  Elephant Plains Lodge | Katara Lodge 

Mid-range: Ihamba Safari Lodge| Enganzi Lodge | Queen Elizabeth Bush Lodge

Budget: Bush Lodge (tents)|  Simba Safari Camp (tents) | Pumba Cottages 

Meals included today: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Driving time today should be about  2 hrs excluding time for game drives and other activities.

Day 6: Safaris and boat safari Queen Elizabeth National Park

We set out early in the morning for a game drive in the northern part of the park on the Kasenyi Track in search of lions, elephants, and solitary buffaloes. This is the best time for opportunities of viewing the cats in action owing to the vast population of Uganda kobs. We have an excellent chance to view just about every animal here at very close range. Of course, we might have more time to explore the other tracks. The whole morning is before you to explore the park anyway.

In the afternoon we will go for a launch trip along the Kazinga Channel. This gives you the opportunity to view wildlife up close: hippos huff and spray at a mere foot away from the boat, buffalo linger in the shallows. The shores of the channel are also home to an array of birds including pink-backed pelicans, pied and malachite kingfishers, saddle-billed stork, and many others.

Accommodation options available:

Up-market/Luxury: Mweya Safari Lodge |  Elephant Plains Lodge | Katara Lodge 

Mid-range: Ihamba Safari Lodge| Enganzi Lodge | Queen Elizabeth Bush Lodge 

Budget: Bush Lodge (tents)|  Simba Safari Camp (tents) | Pumba Cottages 

Meals included today: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Day 7: Continue to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Ishasha tree-climbing lions game drive

Seasons allowing, you will drive through the Ishasha sector in search of the tree-climbing lions. Nowhere in Africa do you stand a better chance of seeing this than in the large low limbed fig trees of Ishasha. This game drive en route will expose you to some of the animals that you might have missed seeing while on your game drives in Kasenyi and Queens Mile.

Arrival in Bwindi is in the late afternoon. Once you are checked in, you could rather be interested in rural African culture and we suggest you take a guided village walk in Buhoma Village– see how Ugandans live, visit a local bar and meet the local medicine man! Please speak to your guide about the various options.

Driving time today depends on the side of  Bwindi your gorilla permits are booked. If you are booked in the northern sectors (Ruhija/Buhoma), we drive for about 3 hrs excluding time for game drives and other activities and if you are on the southern end, we go for not less than 5 hours (but your journey to Rwanda is shortened).

Accommodation options:

Bwindi Accommodation options available (all on a full board basis)

Upper Luxury: Gorilla Forest Camp | Clouds Mountain Gorilla Lodge | Bwindi Lodge

Luxury: Buhoma Lodge | Mahogany Springs Lodge | Nkuringo Bwindi Gorilla Lodge | Chameleon Hill Lodge or Gorilla Safari Lodge

Moderate: Engagi Lodge |Gorilla Mist Camp | Ichumbi Gorilla Lodge

Low Budget: Gorilla Conservation Camp | Rushaga Gorilla Haven Lodge | Ruhija Gorilla Friends Camp

Meals included today: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Day 8: Gorilla trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park (you could opt for 4 hours with gorillas in the specially arranged Gorilla Habituation experience)

After breakfast, proceed for the morning briefing before enjoying the highlight of the trip- Gorilla trekking, which may last the entire day. We trek through the rainforest and bamboo-covered slopes, accompanied by a guide and trackers, in search of a mountain gorilla family. The walking can sometimes be tough and long, but when you catch a glimpse of the magnificent silverback, any discomforts will be quickly forgotten. When sighted, visitors will be guided to within 6 meters of the gorillas, and sit around them for a whole hour while gazing into their big round eyes.

Gorilla trekking is unpredictable. It's difficult to foresee how many hours you will hike. The gorilla excursion can take from 2 up to 8 hours. Expect to walk a long distance in steep and muddy conditions, sometimes with rain overhead, before you encounter any gorillas. A good physical condition is recommended. For conservation purposes, time spent with the gorillas is limited to one hour. A ranger will brief you on how to behave with the gorillas.

Bwindi Accommodation options available (all on full board basis)

Upper Luxury: Gorilla Forest Camp | Clouds Mountain Gorilla Lodge | Bwindi Lodge

Luxury: Buhoma Lodge | Mahogany Springs Lodge | Nkuringo Bwindi Gorilla Lodge | Chameleon Hill Lodge or Gorilla Safari Lodge

Moderate: Engagi Lodge |Gorilla Mist Camp | Ichumbi Gorilla Lodge

Low Budget: Gorilla Conservation Camp | Rushaga Gorilla Haven Lodge | Ruhija Gorilla Friends Camp

Meals included today: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Day 9: Transfer from Uganda to Rwanda

Take breakfast and depart for Rwanda. You will cross the border via Kisoro and then clear at the border - Rwanda is 1 hour behind Uganda.

Located in the far northwest of Rwanda, the Volcanoes National Park is home to the steep slopes of this wonderful mountain range – home of the rare mountain gorilla – and the rich mosaic of montane ecosystems, which cuddles evergreen and bamboo forest, open grassland, swamp, and heath.

Top Accommodation options in Volcanoes National Park (all on full board basis)

Upper Luxury: Virunga Lodge | Silverback Sabinyo Lodge | Bishop's House Rwanda

Luxury level: Mountain Gorilla View Lodge

Moderate: Da Vinci Gorilla Lodge

Low Budget: Muhabura Lodge

Meals included today: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Day 10: Gorilla Trekking in Volcanoes National Park 

You can choose to go gorilla tracking in Volcanoes National Park  (subject to permit availability at the time of booking).

Tracking the gorillas through the light mountain forest on the slopes of the Virungas is a magical experience. If you are lucky you can get to the gorillas, spend an hour with them, and be back at the base in time for a late lunch! Some gorilla families however are more elusive, and tracking can take a full day, especially when it is wet and muddy.

Top Accommodation options in Volcanoes National Park (all on full board basis)

Upper Luxury: Virunga Lodge | Silverback Sabinyo Lodge | Bishop's House Rwanda

Luxury level: Mountain Gorilla View Lodge

Moderate: Da Vinci Gorilla Lodge

Low Budget: Muhabura Lodge

Meals included today: Breakfast, lunch and dinner

Day 11: Kigali

Depart from the park in the afternoon to Kigali.

You have a Kigali city tour today and visit the Genocide Memorial Museum before you transfer to the airport for your onward international flight. The city tour includes the old town (Nyamirambo) and Muslim quarter, the new handicraft village and other shops, the Batwa pottery and dance center and the Gisozi Genocide Memorial. The memorial is very moving – the tour takes a couple of hours - and will be of interest to anyone who has spent some time in this enchanting country.

Afterward you are transferred to the airport for your flight back home.

Service inclusions in the All inclusive Uganda and Rwanda Safari

  • Gorilla permits (each at US$700 in Uganda and $1500 in Rwanda)
  • Chimpanzee viewing permits
  • Meals indicated on programme
  • Experienced driver/guide
  • Accommodation as per programme
  • Park fees for the various parks
  • Transport on tour as well as hotel transfers
  • Entrance fees for tours mentioned in the programme
  • Boat rides as on the program

Talk to our Uganda and Rwanda Safaris Expert

Enquire about this safari and tour prices.

Get in touch to get more info about the all-inclusive Uganda and Rwanda safari.

Client Testimonials about some of our All-Inclusive Uganda Rwanda Safari Packages

  • star rating  A stunning glimpse into the natural world  - A simply stunning experience from start to finish. What started as a spur of the moment idea to visit the mountain gorillas turned into an extraordinary and continually delightful tour... read more

    avatar thumb Samuel T
    14th January 2024

    star rating  Amazing experience and Richard is the best  - I did a 3 day gorilla tracking safari with Richard and I had the time of my life. The gorilla tracking was amazing, and the whole 3 days were just... read more

    avatar thumb TomBroenink
    19th December 2023

    star rating  My sister organized an itinerary through Gorillas and Wildlife Safari. We love that it was Uganda-owned. She worked with Ivan to put together a fabulous itinerary through Rwanda and Uganda... read more

    31st August 2023
  • star rating  Amazing experience with Gorillas and Wildlife Safaris - We did a 7 night, 8 day gorilla and Safari tour. It was fantastic - we had such a great time. Ivan was quick to respond to all... read more

    Marissa W
    29th August 2023

    star rating  My wonderful 13-day trip across Uganda - I just returned from my wonderful 13-day trip across Uganda with Gorillas and Wildlife Safaris. My interactions with Ivan as well as my guide, Huzaima, were fantastic. Ivan was very... read more

    Jafar M
    19th August 2023

    star rating  Amazing experience from the start! - We cannot recommend Gorilla and Wildlife Safaris enough! From the very beginning in planning the trip, Ivan was extremely responsive to all our questions and very helpful in creating the... read more

    10th August 2023

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Why book your  All-inclusive Uganda Rwanda Safari with Gorillas and Wildlife Safaris?

  1. Proven Experience for Uganda Safaris, Rwanda Safaris

We demand first-class quality and excellent services from ourselves so that the most beautiful time of the year remains unforgettable. Gorillas and Wildlife Safari experts will be glad to help you and plan your dream African holidays according to your individual wishes and expectations.

Since 2008 Gorillas and Wildlife Safaris has been leading the way in organizing Uganda Safaris, Rwanda Safaris, Gorilla trekking and wildlife safaris in Uganda,  pioneering new travel approaches that guarantee satisfaction and qualitatively superior experience at affordable prices.

Gorillas and Wildlife Safaris has won the Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence for 5 years now, and are in the Hall of Fame.

  1. Professional indigenous guides by Gorillas and Wildlife Safaris

Gorillas and Wildlife Safaris is a  locally based Uganda operators, well versed with all tour destinations and activities in Uganda, Rwanda Tanzania and Kenya. We, therefore, design our tour safari itineraries basing on our knowledge of the region to best suite your interests and budget. We have a team of well-trained driver/guides well conversant with safaris in Uganda, primate and gorilla trekking in  Rwanda and Congo, as well as wildlife safaris in Kenya and Tanzania.

  1. Membership and other Associations

Gorilla and Wildlife Safaris Ltd is a fully registered tour and travel company in Uganda and a member of the Association of Uganda Tour Operators (AUTO). We are licensed and fully recognized by the Government under Uganda Tourism Board. We are also linked on Uganda Wildlife Authority website meaning that we can get you gorilla permits or chimp permits which sometimes can be very scarce.

  1. Tailor-made Tour Itineraries with your say

We customize our tour packages with your involvement. Our travel experts ensure that you get valuable safari experience. All our destinations and lodges are well researched and constantly monitor to make sure that any change in service will never go unnoticed.