Uganda Gorilla Habituation Experience, Chimps & Monkeys Habituation, Lions Tracking Safari - 8 Days

Gorilla Habituation Experience, Chimps & Monkeys HABITUATION, LIONS TRACKING SAFARI- 8 Days

Gorillas and Wildlfe Safaris Hall of Fame Trip Advisor RecommendedUganda Gorilla Habituation Experience, Chimps & Monkeys Habituation, Lions Tracking Safari - 8 Days

The 8-day gorilla habituation, chimps habituation, and monkeys habituation experiences tour allow you more time with all of Uganda's wildlife. It includes the full-day chimps habituation in Kibale National Park, lion tracking in Queen Elizabeth National Park and game drives to see other BIG5 wildlife in the park, a boat safari on Kazinga Channel, mountain gorilla habituation experience in Bwindi, as well as the golden monkeys' habituation experience in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.

The scenery on this Uganda safari along the routes we take is just fabulous, you will definitely love it, and take plenty of photos!

Uganda Gorilla Habituation Experience, Chimps & Monkeys Habituation, Lions Tracking Safari - 8 Days

The 8 day tour allows you more time with all Uganda's wildlife. It includes the full-day chimps habituation in Kibale National Park, lion tracking in Queen Elizabeth National Park and game drives to see other BIG5 wildlife in the park, a boat safari on Kazinga Channel, mountain gorilla habituation experience in Bwindi, as well as the golden monkeys' habituation experience in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.  

The scenery on this Uganda safari along the routes we take is just fabulous, you will definitely love it, and take plenty of photos!

  • Day 1: Kibale National Park, Afternoon guided primates' walk
  • Day 2: Full day chimpanzee habituation experience plus other primates
  • Day 3: Queen Elizabeth National Park, viewing Rwenzoris, crater lakes & wild animals
  • Day 4: Queen Elizabeth National Park - jeep safari, lion tracking, boat safari
  • Day 5: Tree-climbing Lions, Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
  • Day 6: Gorilla habituation experience  in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest
  • Day 7: Golden monkey habituation exercise, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, transfer to Lake Bunyonyi
  • Day 8: Return to Kampala - Entebbe (flights to Entebbe can be arranged on request)

Detailed Itinerary Gorilla Habituation Experience, Chimps & Monkeys' Habituation, Lions Tracking Safari 

Day 1: Start the Uganda Primates tour from Airport or your hotel in Entebbe or Kampala, and drive to Kibale National Park

Briefing on the safari before we drive westwards towards Fort Portal to the Kibale Forest National Park (about 5 hours).

Traveling on both asphalt and unpaved roads, you pass through traditional Ugandan villages where you see people at work tending their traditional crops of millet, sorghum, beans, and maize. The lush rolling hills of this region provide good photo opportunities.

As you approach Fort Portal in the foothills of the Rwenzori Mountains, you enter Uganda's famous tea plantation region. A carpet of green spreads before you, as far as the eye can see, and seems an unusual contrast to the countryside through which you have just passed.

You arrive at Fort Portal, then, continue toward Kibale Forest, one of the great African rainforest research reserves. Years of study by scientists (who have cut a grid through the forest) have habituated many of its animals to human observers. This forest is famed for the variety of primates found here and it is a terrific area for birds. This rural Ugandan town (Fort Portal) is locally famous for its weaving and basketry, and we can spend some time briefly examining some of this local art.

In the afternoon we visit a nearby forest swamp that is excellent for viewing primates and other forest animals. At the eastern edge of Kibale forest is Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary which is maintained by the local community. You will expect birds like the great blue turaco, blue monkeys, baboons, otters, mongoose, bushbucks, bush pigs, and among others.

Accommodation options available (all on a full board basis)

Up-market: Ndali Lodge | Crater Safari Lodge | Kyaninga Lodge | Primate Lodge Kibale 

Moderate: Isunga Lodge | Turaco Treetops | Chimpanzee Forest Lodge 

Low Budget: Kibale Forest Camp | Chimpanzee Forest Guesthouse

Day 2: Chimpanzee Habituation Experience Plus Other Primates

Today we’ll accompany Kibale’s researchers in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to contribute to a “soft” habituation project with chimpanzees. You’ll learn to safely observe the chimps during their daily activities, so they get comfortable with human presence without changing their natural behaviors. You will be able to experience the chimp families as they wake up, hunt, patrol, play, fight, copulate, and breastfeed.

Guided by biologists and researchers, we will enjoy unprecedented intimate access to these wild chimps for the entire day until they build their nests at bedtime.

Accommodation options available (all on a full board basis)

Up-market: Ndali Lodge | Crater Safari Lodge | Kyaninga Lodge | Primate Lodge Kibale 

Moderate: Isunga Lodge | Turaco Treetops | Chimpanzee Forest Lodge 

Low Budget: Kibale Forest Camp | Chimpanzee Forest Guesthouse

Day 3: Queen Elizabeth National Park, Viewing Rwenzoris, Lots of Crater Lakes & Wild Animals

We then drive to Queen Elizabeth. The game seen will depend on the season; the Kasenyi plains are good with lions, and the Mweya peninsula for a variety of other wild animals. Queen Elizabeth National Park is dominated on its northern border by the snow-capped 16,000-foot Rwenzori Mountains - the famed "Mountains of the Moon".

This 767-square-mile conservation area is bordered on the northeast by Lake George and on the southwest by Lake Edward; its western border adjoins the Congo Parc du Virunga. You will expect to see teeming herds of impala-like Uganda kobs, as well as topis, elephants and lions, giant forest hogs, and Cape buffalos. There are also several soda lakes filling ancient volcanic calderas where flamingos reside seasonally.

Accommodation Options (Full Board)

Up-market/Luxury: Mweya Safari Lodge | Katara Lodge

Mid-range: Buffalo Safari Lodge | Enganzi Lodge | Queen Elizabeth Bush Lodge

Budget: Bush Lodge (tents)| Simba Safari Camp (tents) | Pumba Cottages 

Meals included: Breakfast, lunch and dinner

Day 4: Queen Elizabeth National Park - Jeep Safari, Lion Tracking, Boat Safari

See a different face of the park as we venture off-road with a research team to track lions and contribute to a valuable lion research project in the Ishasha Sector. The researchers' Land- cruiser is fitted with radio-collar-receiving equipment. You get a full briefing on the animals with the opportunity for as much lion photography as you can manage.

After a leisurely lunch on the Mweya Peninsula, we’ll enjoy a two-hour boat safari along the Kazinga Channel. This affords the opportunity to view wildlife up close: hippos huff and spray and buffalo linger in the shallows. The shores of the channel are also home to an array of birds including pink-backed pelicans, pied and malachite kingfishers, saddle-billed storks,s and many others.

Accommodation Options (Full Board)

Up-market/Luxury: Mweya Safari Lodge | Katara Lodge

Mid-range: Buffalo Safari Lodge| Enganzi Lodge | Queen Elizabeth Bush Lodge 

Budget: Bush Lodge (tents)| Simba Safari Camp (tents) | Pumba Cottages 

Meals included: Breakfast, lunch and dinner

Day 5: Tree-climbing Lions, Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

After breakfast we drive further south through stunning savannah grasslands as we head to the southern sector of the park – Ishasha. This is the best area to see the famous tree-climbing lions draped from the low-hanging limbs of fig trees. Next, we visit the Kob Mating Ground—a defined area specifically used by these stunning antelopes for challenging other males, enticing females, and mating. Finally, we’ll pass through beautiful savannah grasslands as we head toward the breathtaking Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park.

While most of today's forests are no more than 12,000 years old, Bwindi's vegetation has been weaving itself into tangles for over 25,000 years, in the process accumulating a lengthy species list. This includes 310 species of butterflies, 51 reptiles, 200 trees, 88 moths, and an exceptional 120 species of mammals including 10 primates. The latter includes chimpanzees, L'Hoest's, red-tailed and blue monkey, black and white colobus, baboons, and Bwindi's most famous resident, the mountain gorilla.

Bwindi is a prime destination for birdwatchers. Its 350 species include seven which are IUCN red data listed and 90% of all Albertine rift endemics – species which are difficult or impossible to see in any other part of East Africa.

Accommodation Options (Full Board)

Up-market: Four Gorillas Lodge | Nkuringo Bwindi Gorilla Lodge

Moderate: Ichumbi Gorilla Lodge | Lake Mulehe Gorilla Lodge 

Low Budget: Rushaga Gorilla Havens Camp 

Day 6: Gorilla Habituation Experience in Bwindi Impenetrable NP-  4 hours' permit!

We have an early morning entry into the mountain gorillas’ sanctuary. Our intimate gorilla experience allows you to accompany the Uganda Wildlife Authority’s Bwindi gorilla habituation team for the entire day, allowing you to have a minimum 4 hours in the presence of a mountain gorilla family – since regular permits only allow 1 hour, this is 4 times the amount of time spent up close with gorillas – more than any other safari operator! During this time, you will be able to experience the gorilla family as they wake up, hunt, patrol, play, fight, copulate, and breastfeed until they build their nests at bedtime.

The thrill of spending time with and observing these gentle giants is a rare and moving ad- venture that will leave you with long-lasting memories. Spending more time with them than the norm means you are assured of the best possible experience, with 4 full hours for better photography, researcher access for more questions, and enough time to experience more intimate and unusual behaviors. The gorillas are shy and peaceful animals, and it is an unforgettable experience to watch and photograph them as they interact with each other.

The walking can sometimes be tough and long, but when you catch a glimpse of the magnificent silverback, any discomforts will be quickly forgotten. Once the gorillas are sighted, you will be guided to within 6 meters of the gorillas and be able to sit all around them while gazing into their big round eyes as the researchers note health, behavior, and other characteristics.

gorilla habituation experience tour uganda chimp habituation tour safariAccommodation Options (Full Board)

Up-market: Chameleon Hill Lodge | Lake Mutanda Resort

Moderate: Ichumbi Hotel Kisoro

Low Budget: Travelers Rest Hotel Kisoro 

Day 7: Golden Monkey Habituation Exercise, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, after, transfer to Lake Bunyonyi

After an early breakfast set off for the national park for the Golden Monkey habituation experience which allows you up to 4 hours with the monkeys.

The Golden Monkey may not be the most well-known primate, but is certainly an enjoyable, little creature that is worth visiting. It is a small curious monkey, golden in color, and loves to scamper around the trees. Golden monkeys are named after their golden-orange fur, and like mountain gorillas, are also considered endangered species. Conservation efforts have been put in place by the Uganda Wildlife Authority to ensure that the monkeys are protected – especially from poachers.

There is a habituated family of monkeys in Mgahinga, where tourists can track and stay with them for a period of four hours depending on where they nested the previous night and how far it is from the starting point.

It is estimated that Mgahinga Gorilla National Park has between 3000-4000 golden monkeys grouped in troupes of 30s led by a principal adult male. Golden monkeys are primarily to be found in the bamboo forest that skirts the lower slopes of the volcanoes. They are quite more active in the bamboo canopy.  Golden monkeys are opportunistic feeders. What they feed on could be the availability of fruits, leaves of bamboo trees, shoots of bamboo, shrubs, flowers, and invertebrates and these make it to be restricted to highland forest, mostly the bamboo forest.

Uganda Wildlife Authority now offers you the golden opportunity to experience a Golden Monkey Habituation Experience in Mgahinga National Park. Accompany the researchers in the morning or afternoon to track the Golden Monkeys and stay with them for 4 hours. You will have the unique chance to get close to these little primates and study their behavior in their natural habitat. A unique experience that will enhance your primate safari in Uganda!

How the activity is conducted

Golden monkey tracking starts at Mgahinga Gorilla National Park headquarters at 7:30 a.m. for a pre-tracking briefing (on the dos and don’ts of tracking the golden monkeys). The actual trek begins at 8:00 a.m. Hiking through the forests to sight the golden monkeys is not as strenuous as gorilla trekking because golden monkeys live in lower areas, so tourists do not track for more than 3 hours. When tourists encounter the golden monkey family, they are given one hour  (or 4 hours in case you are doing the habituation experience) to spend with them (to take photographs and observe their behavior). With this activity, there is no minimum number of tourists who track each group, and the age limit is 12 years.

What to carry during Mgahinga golden monkey tracking.

There are several requirements that tourists need to have a memorable experience during golden monkey tracking. These include waterproof hiking boots, wearing a long-sleeved shirt, and long trousers, and carrying a backpack for your lunch and documents. Also, carry drinking water and snacks, carry a walking stick to support you during hiking, you can hire a porter to support you during hiking in slippery places and carry your backpack, and do not forget to carry an insect repellant.

Accommodation Options (Full Board)

Up-market: Birdnest Lodge, Lake Bunyonyi

Moderate: Birdnest Lodge, Lake Bunyonyiyi Overland Resort

Low Budget: BunyonyiOverlandresortGolden monkey habituation experience gorilla primate chimps habituation tour safari uganda

Day 8: Return to Entebbe (flights could also be arranged) or end tour in Rwanda

Early breakfast before embarking on our return to Entebbe, driving down the grassed and terraced escarpments of southwestern Uganda while taking in the breathtaking sights of the hills of the region dubbed ‘the little Switzerland of Africa’. This area is rows. Not to miss as we traverse Mbarara are the impressing longhorn Ankole cattle. A remarkable highlight of this journey is the Equator line and surely you will cross it as we have a brief stop here. We will be in Entebbe in the evening before your flight back home.


Kyaninga Lodge (Upscale Option)

The Lodge and Cottages

The exceptional design and sheer scale of the main lodge is immediately apparent from the moment one crests the hill and Kyaninga Lodge comes into view. Once inside, the lodge offers comfortable seating areas set around an imposing double-sided open fireplace where one can enjoy a cozy evening over a good book, a board game, or a drink from the bar. The main building also houses the restaurant, where delicious meals compete with stunning views on both sides. Two raised galleries offer intimate spaces for those wishing to absorb the panorama in a more private setting. On the lakeside, the main lodge leads to two decks furnished with comfortable loungers, while steps hewn from local volcanic rock lead down to the swimming pool and onto two lawned terraces overlooking the deep blue water and primeval forest of Lake Kyaninga itself. For those not quite wishing to really get away from it all, wireless Internet access is provided throughout the main lodge building.

Kyaninga Lodge’s eight cottages are built on platforms and set apart to offer privacy and tranquility. Access to the cottages from the main lodge is via a raised wooden walkway. Each spacious cottage is beautifully appointed with a choice of twin or double beds made up of the softest bedlinens and feather pillows. An indoor sitting area leads out to a private deck where one can enjoy morning tea or coffee and views over the lake and the Mountains of the Moon beyond. The en suite bathrooms boast marble countertop basins set atop beautifully crafted Elgon Olive pedestals, claw-footed freestanding baths, glass-walled showers, and plenty of hot water from solar water heaters. Lighting in the cottages is also solar powered, and each cottage features an electrical socket for the charging of laptops and other appliances, providing the comforts of home in an extraordinary setting. Extra beds, hypoallergenic pillows, and bedding are available on request.

Primate Lodge (Mid-Level Option)

Primate Lodge tent, Uganda

Primate Lodge in Kibale is an exclusive eco-lodge situated in the heart of Kibale Forest National Park. It is surrounded by a lush tropical forest that is home to 13 different species of primates, including chimpanzees.

Privately secluded in the rainforest, this safari lodge offers you a truly authentic jungle experience and is the perfect gateway for tracking the primates in Uganda.

Discover a place where the serene silence is only interrupted by the melodious sounds of the numerous forest birds. A place that combines comfort with adventure and perfectly blends with the natural environment...

Primate Lodge Kibale features an exclusive camp with eight superior safari tents, seven comfortable forest cottages, and an adventurous Tree House. All rooms are privately situated within the forest, making it an ideal place to unwind and enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds you.

Free WIFI is available in public areas.

Mweya Lodge (Upscale Deluxe Rooms, Mid-Level Standard Rooms)

Queen's Cottage room, Mweya Safari Lodge

Mweya Safari Lodge offers visitors an unforgettable experience. Located on a peninsula within the heart of the Queen Elizabeth National Park, Mweya Safari Lodge is surrounded by the magical Rwenzori Mountains aptly described as the 'Mountains of the Moon'.

To the east, lie the guardians of the birthplace of mankind, the Great Rift Valley hills, separated from the Mountains of the Moon by the meandering Kazinga Channel. Here the water flows endlessly into two giant lakes – Lake George and Lake Edward.

Each room at Mweya Safari Lodge has a breathtaking view of the Kazinga channel. You can watch the forest hogs grazing the grass outside, as well as the odd curious hippo! The cuisine is of the highest quality, presenting a range of exquisite Continental, Indian, and International cuisine.

The Mweya Health Club and Spa offer treatments to revitalize you after a long day out in the game park.

Chameleon Hill Lodge

Chameleon Hill Lodge has no other lodge like it in all of Africa – a unique – one-of-a-kind luxury lodge sitting on Chameleon Hill.

We live in a sea of sameness, of similarities, where even lodges follow certain styles and patterns and then there is the one-of-a-kind Chameleon Hill Lodge, unlike any other lodge in Uganda.

Just driving up the ridge and seeing the lodge for the first time with its varied hues of colors that seem to twinkle in the sun like Joseph’s multi-colored coat is an experience in itself.

Chameleon Hill Lodge is the creation of someone who walks to their own drumbeat, someone who is uniquely themselves and brought to fruition an inner dream of a castle on a hill overlooking Lake Mutanda and like the bright array of colors you will find in the chameleons of this area so Chameleon Hill with its array of brilliant colors lives up to its name “Chameleon Hill Lodge.”

Step through the castle doors into the main lodge and you are entering a world of utmost comfort – a dining area where you can enjoy a superb breakfast, great lunch, and a most memorable three-course dinner – if you have special dietary needs of one kind or another the capable chef can accommodate you to your satisfaction.

There is a very comfortable sitting area here and in the evening a crackling fire will warm you – it does get a bit cold in this part of Uganda but you will be delighted by the fine selection of wines the lodge has to offer – simply all-around class and style.

Enjoy the sunset from here – take in the majestic – almost mystical Lake Mutanda below you and the majestic Mufumbiro Mountains – Mountains that cook – the Virunga Volcanoes. It all is an amazing array of sights, and colors – one of Uganda’s most amazing, comfortable, and luxurious locations along Lake Mutanda.

Your room is an individual cottage and of course, it is en-suite with a bath, and the water is heated with propane which means a superb hot shower, something that on safari at times can be lacking.

The room of your cottage is colorful in and out, very functional and practical with quality furniture throughout as in the main lodge. There is also excellent bedding with other out-of-the-normal things needed in this colder part of Uganda...a duvet on your bed and if that is not enough, extra blankets are there for your comfort. There is also a safe for each cottage to keep your things safe and secure during your stay here. It seems almost everything seems to be thought of.

Activities – there are many – some such as canoeing in a dugout canoe on Lake Mutanda, hiking through villages and forest, birding, and of course activities that we have you scheduled for such as volcano climbing, golden monkey tracking, an interactive walk with the first people of the forest, the Batwa people all in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, There are also the activities in the southern end of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. That is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to things to do and see while staying at Chameleon Hill Lodge - no other lodge like it and the added plus is the view.


  • Our exclusive 4 hours gorilla habituation experience in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
  • Chimpanzee habituation experience in Kibale National Park
  • Lion tracking experience in Queen Elizabeth National Park
  • Golden monkey habituation experience in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park
  • Kazinga Channel boat Safari
  • Other game viewing permits
  • Land cruiser game drives
  • Accommodation with meals indicated on the program
  • Bottled drinking water on the vehicle
  • Services of a good experienced English-speaking tour guide/driver
  • Transport on tour as well as hotel transfers


  • Tips for drivers and other staff
  • Flight tickets and departure taxes
  • Travel documentation (visas)
  • Travel and medical insurance
  • Optional excursion
  • Beverages other than mineral water in the vehicle

Talk to a Uganda Safari Expert

Enquire about this special wildlife experience and habituation safari and tour prices.

Talk to one of our destination experts to start planning your Uganda safari.

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Kibale National Park for Chimps Habituation Experience

Once this tropical rainforest provided a (very substantial) dinner, bed and breakfast for large herds of migrating forest elephants and, even now, the park contains the largest population of this subspecies in Uganda. Although they're rarely seen, and dangerous, the signs of these elephants' presence are abundant.

However, Kibale's claim to fame is its enormous variety of primates and its families of habituated chimpanzees - it's home to an astonishing 12 species of primate and provides one of the highest primate densities in the world. Here, on a daytime or evening guided forest walk, you may find families of chimpanzees and red colobus monkeys chattering and swinging through the ancient forest trees.

The sightings of birds in the forest are no less impressive - there are at least 325 species, many of which are found nowhere else. In addition, there are over 144 species of butterflies.

Kibale National Park uganda primates tours uganda safari gorilla tour Chimps habiuation exoerience tours Uganda Kibale

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (for your Gorilla Habituation Experience)

The park is located in southwestern Uganda, covering parts of Rukungiri, Kisoro, and Kabale Districts. It is situated in a hilly countryside that, together with some remnant lowland forest outside the boundary constitutes an important water catchment area for many rivers, supplying the agricultural land of the surrounding region.

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is a true equatorial jungle, inhabited by four gorilla groups. Amongst the dense vegetation, the Columbus monkey jumps from branch to branch, chattering its warning to its fellows hidden by the foliage. Chimpanzees, in families of 20 or 30, make the rounds, searching for fruit and edible plants.

It is situated in a hilly countryside that, together with some remnant lowland forest outside the boundary constitutes an important water catchment area for many rivers, supplying the agricultural land of the surrounding region.

The best time to visit Uganda is late December to late February, and from June to September, as the weather at this time of year is generally dry, and warm. Temperatures average at around 25 degrees Celsius.


Mountain gorillas are wild animals and, as such, sightings cannot be guaranteed. However, for the last 14 years, no one has trekked the gorillas and failed to see them in Uganda. Certainly, you won't be the one with bad luck! On the trek, once you find the gorillas, you will be allowed an hour with the gorillas and you can only go not more than 6 meters from them.  As gorilla tracking can sometimes take a full day, you will need to go with your packed lunch and lots of drinking water when trekking to the gorillas.

Gorilla trekking timings and conditions vary tremendously as the gorillas move continuously through the rainforest. It is good to be prepared and remember the weather can change with very little warning. The terrain is often steep and through areas where there are no marked paths.


 Secure Gorilla Habituation Experience permits early

Gorilla Habituation Experience is the most popular foreign tourist activity in Uganda. On every single day, only 5 tourists can do the gorilla habituation experience in Bwindi. Uganda's gorilla habituation experience is USD1500 per person and allows you 4 hours with the mountain gorillas.  This means the competition is quite high for the few gorilla habituation experience permits in Uganda and it becomes hard to secure gorilla habituation experience permits for a few days for your Uganda gorilla habituation tour (although it is often possible with luck more so in the green season months of October, November, April, and May).  It is best to have your gorilla habituation experience permit fully confirmed at least 4 months in advance.

Assess your fitness levels 

There is a likelihood you could walk for 3-6 hours on a gorilla trek. Gorillas are located deep in the Bwindi forest with thick undergrowth over several steep volcanic slopes. Gorilla groups keep roaming this forest looking for their favorite food. They are never stationed in the same place over days. Your gorilla habituation trek will follow this same trend and it is quite unpredictable knowing how long or tough your gorilla trekking shall be. The longer trek is not necessarily a problem, just something to be prepared for.  A bit of moderate physical fitness is needed for gorilla trekking in Uganda.

Guides & Porters for the gorilla trek

You will be guided through the forest on your gorilla tracking by a Uganda Wildlife Authority guide whom you will meet at the departure point on the morning of your trek. Your guide can help you book a porter (or two!) so that you can track without having to carry the few essential items listed below in a day pack which you should bring with you. The porters are from the local community and very used to the local conditions and can assist in pushing, pulling, and supporting you during your trek to the gorillas. They are usually an additional fee, over and above your safari cost, and you should budget on approximately USD15-20 per porter per day as a fee with additional tipping being optional.

As the porters do not have tracking permits they will be stopped a short distance from the point you will be viewing the mountain Gorillas. Please remember to take whatever you may need from your bag to view the gorillas and rather leave valuables at the lodge/camp.

You will be allowed up to one hour for viewing the gorillas from when they are sighted by your group. This is to ensure that the wild animals are not overexposed to human presence. Whilst in their presence you will also be required to keep minimum distances from them – generally between 5-7 meters and your guides will ensure this is enforced.

What to pack on gorilla habituation experience tour

• Plenty of water – 1-2 liters per person
• High-energy snacks in addition to your packed lunch provided by the lodge/camp
• Spare film and batteries for videos and cameras
• Gloves (gardening type are good)
• Waterproof bag to protect photographic equipment
• A hat, sunscreen, mosquito repellent, and band-aids might be useful
• A lightweight waterproof jacket/poncho
• Walking sticks are made available at the start of the trek for some of the steeper and more slippery tracks and may prove to be very handy.

Gorilla Habituation Experience  Age Limits

The age limit for gorilla habituation experience is 15 years and the authorities are very strict on this! With special written permission, however, a 14yr old might pass.

Videos & Photography for Gorilla Habituation Experience in Uganda

In Uganda, it can be difficult to capture good photos under the dark canopy of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, as the name suggests! If you are very lucky, you may encounter your gorilla family in a clearing.

Here are a few tips for photographing the gorillas in Uganda:

  • If you’re taking photos using a standard point-and-shoot camera, then make sure your camera is fully charged.
  • Always take extra memory cards.
  • Remember that flash photography is not allowed when you are with the gorillas. Make sure you have your camera manual with you so you know how to disable the automatic flash and automatic focus light functions.
  • We recommend a good SLR camera. The best lenses are those with a wide aperture such as f2,8 which allow in max light and are best in gloomy conditions.  A 24 – 70 mm and a 70 – 200 m is a good combination. If you have space then consider a 300mm and a wide angle but it’s a steep walk so consider hiring a porter. A 50 mm 1.4 lens is also ideal for low-light shooting and is something to consider as a standard lens.
  • Professional filmmakers require permission and need to purchase filming permits in advance from UWA (Uganda) or RDB (Rwanda).
  • Keep your camera and/or phone in a waterproof bag (such as a large Ziploc bag). Cue: you’re in the rainforest.

Professional photographers, filmmakers, or media should advise us at the time of booking as special procedures are required as well as costs to be incurred for photographing and filming.

Bikingi Gorilla Family member - for Gorilla Habituation Experience Bwindi

     Mountain gorillas in Bwindi

Gorilla habituation experience Bwindi

Gorilla habituation experience Bwindi

Gorilla habituation experience

Golden Monkey Tracking in Mgahinga

Golden monkeys trekking golden monkeys Mgahinga. Mgahinga Gorilla National Park tourist activities, TOP 10 TOURIST ACTIVITIES in Mgahinga GORILLA, to do Mgahinga gorilla trek Batwa golden monkeys, hiking

The Golden Monkey may not be the most well-known primate, but is certainly an enjoyable, little creature that is worth visiting. It is a small curious monkey, golden in color, and loves to scamper around the trees. Golden monkeys are named after their golden-orange fur, and like mountain gorillas, are also considered endangered species. Conservation efforts have been put in place by the Uganda Wildlife Authority to ensure that the monkeys are protected – especially from poachers.

There is a habituated family of monkeys in Mgahinga, where tourists can track and stay with them for a period of four hours depending on where they nested the previous night and how far it is from the starting point.

It is estimated that Mgahinga Gorilla National Park has between 3000-4000 golden monkeys grouped in troupes of 30s led by a principal adult male. Golden monkeys are primarily to be found in the bamboo forest that skirts the lower slopes of the volcanoes. They are quite more active in the bamboo canopy.  Golden monkeys are opportunistic feeders. What they feed on could be the availability of fruits, leaves of bamboo trees, shoots of bamboo, shrubs, flowers, and invertebrates and these make it to be restricted to the highland forest, mostly the bamboo forest.

Golden monkey tracking starts at Mgahinga Gorilla National Park headquarters at 7:30 a.m. for a pre-tracking briefing (on the dos and don’ts of tracking the golden monkeys). The actual trek begins at 8:00 a.m. Hiking through the forests to sight the golden monkeys is not as strenuous as gorilla trekking because golden monkeys live in lower areas, so tourists do not track for more than 3 hours. When tourists encounter the golden monkey family, they are given one hour  (0r 4 hours in case you are doing the habituation experience) to spend with them (to take photographs and observe their behavior). With this activity, there is no minimum number of tourists who track each group, and the age limit is 12 years.

Golden Monkey Habituation Experience in Mgahinga

Uganda Wildlife Authority now offers you the golden opportunity to experience Golden Monkey Habituation in Mgahinga National Park. Accompany the researchers in the morning or afternoon to track the Golden Monkeys and stay with them for 4 hours. You will have the unique chance to get close to these little primates and study their behavior in their natural habitat. A unique experience that will enhance your primate safari in Uganda!

What to carry during Mgahinga golden monkey tracking.

There are several requirements that tourists need to have a memorable experience during golden monkey tracking. These include waterproof hiking boots, wearing long-sleeved shirts, and long trousers, and carrying a backpack for your lunch and documents. Also, carry drinking water and snacks, carry a walking stick to support you during hiking, you can hire a porter to support you during hiking in slippery places and carry your backpack, and do not forget to carry an

Queen Elizabeth National Park

Uganda Lion Tracking Research Tracking in Queen Elizabeth National Park Uganda

The Queen Elizabeth National Park provides an unforgettable and unique experience for your Uganda safari in search of beautiful scenery and the BIG-5 - lions, leopards, buffalos, hippos, elephants, and hyenas.

Queen Elizabeth National Park is 1,978 Km2 in area and is situated astride the Equator in the Western Rift Valley of South West Uganda, close to the southern-most tip of the tabled, mist-covered "Mountains of the Moon - Rwenzori Mountains and is contiguous with Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

It is a region of varied habitats including, open grassland with thickets, thick bush, forest, swamps, and lake shore. Queen Elizabeth National Park together with Virunga National Park in (DRC) completely encircles Lake Edward which is connected to Lake George by the Kazinga Channel.

Lion Tracking Research of Queen Elizabeth Park with Researchers

Lion Tracking Research at Queen Elizabeth – another way to see the Lions in Queen Elizabeth Park, often closer than on a regular Game Drive. Besides seeing Lions and Leopards, the Lion Research Experience is also a learning time for most.  A time when you get to know the ways and habits of the King of the Beasts in their natural Habitat on the Kasenyi Plains in Queen Elizabeth Park.

The Uganda Carnivore Project does research on Lions and other predators in the northern sector of Queen Elizabeth and you can join them on one of their research outings.

This is limited in the number of participants that can take part and a rare opportunity for those that can. It has to be booked in advance if you are on a safari with us and we will include it in your Safari Itinerary.

One of the aims of the Uganda Carnivore Project is to educate the surrounding communities on how to live in harmony and yet in close proximity to Lions and Leopards.

Our Take on Lion Tracking Research in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Lion Tracking Research is done by 90% of our Clients who visit Queen Elizabeth Park and they are glad that they did so.

Lio Tracking Research is one of those out-of-the-Ordinary and Authentic Experiences in Uganda.

It is much more than a Game Drive, it is a time with researchers going about their daily business of tracking the collared Carnivores on the Kasenyi plains in Queen Elizabeth Park.

This is an experience that is unique to Queen Elizabeth Park and is not offered in other parks in Uganda.

Lion tracking is not like any other game-viewing activity; it’s a research-oriented activity. So for the research to be done well, or for research purposes like collecting accurate information, a limited number of participants are permitted to engage in lion tracking in Queen Elizabeth national park.

Another reason is to avoid stressing the animals; lions in Queen Elizabeth national park are not familiar to humans, so, a lot of people can actually stress them. This is truly dangerous for the sustainability of the ecosystem.

Also, a limited number helps to heighten your experience during the lion tracking activity. If you are few for the activity, you can all get a chance to capture clear pictures. Every participant can get a chance to see the lion before it gets scared away by a lot of noise from the many excited tourists if at all they could be allowed.

Finally but not least, a limited number of participants is allowed for the lion tracking activity in Queen Elizabeth; to allow a well understanding of the lion's habits and behaviors as explained by the researcher.